Scala - 只谈模式匹配

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Sharing Funny Tech With You
1: val bools = Seq(true, false)
2: for (bool in bools) {
3:	 	bool match {
4:			case true => println("真的")
5:			case false => println("假的")
6:		}
7: }

这个就是我们所说的模式匹配;看起来很像 C 风格,但是不一样,尤其要记住:=>,我经常把它写成 :


怎么说?我们把第 5 行注释掉,编译下:

<console>:12: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on the following input: false
                bool match {
scala.MatchError: false (of class java.lang.Boolean)
  at .<init>(<console>:11)
  at .<clinit>(<console>)

这个警告告诉我们,没有穷尽匹配,意思就是要我们处理所有可能被匹配的可能;说明 Scala 是相当严谨的。

匹配值,类型以及变量: #

for {
	x <- Seq(1, 2, 2.7, "one", "two", 'four
} {
	val str = x match {
	    case 1          => "int 1"
	    case _: Int     => "other int: "+x
	    case _: Double  => "a double: "+x
	    case "one"      => "string one"
	    case _: String  => "other string: "+x
	    case _          => "unexpected value: " + x


int 1
other int: 2
a double 2.7
string one
other string: two
unexpected value: 'four


1: def checkY(y: Int) {
2:		for {
3:			x <- Seq(99, 100, 101)
4:		} {
5:			val str = x match {
6:				case y => "found Y"
7:				case i: Int => "int:" + i
8:			}
9:			println(str)
10:		}


<console>:12: warning: patterns after a variable pattern cannot match (SLS 8.1.1)
If you intended to match against parameter y of method checkY, you must use	
# 我加的:如果你你想要匹配参数 y 的值,你必须使用反引号
backticks, like: case `y` =>
             case y => "found y!"
<console>:13: warning: unreachable code due to variable pattern 'y' on line 12
             case i: Int => "int: "+i
<console>:13: warning: unreachable code
             case i: Int => "int: "+i
checkY: (y: Int)Unit
found y!
found y!
found y!

如果是初学者,这个坑肯定躺过。这里又要夸一下 Scala 智能了,报错的信息非常有参考价值。编译器已经猜到你的意图了(认真看我的错误注释)。

注意: #

case 语句中,小写字符开头的词会被假设一个新变量名,存储提取出来的值。为了引用之前定义的变量,你需要用反引号。相反,如果一个单词首字母大写,Scala 会把它当作一种类型名。

你只需要将第6行的 y 替换成 `y` 即可。


int: 99
found y!
int: 101

最后,我们还可以在一个 case 语句匹配多个。为了避免重复,我们可以使用 or 或者 :

for {
	x <- Seq(1, 2, 2.7, "one", "two", 'four)
} {
	val str = x match {
		case _: Int | _: Double => "a number:" + x	# 注意看这一行
		case "one" => "string one"
		case _: String => "other string: " + x
		case _ => "unexpected value: " + x

匹配 Seq #

首先,SeqListVector 都是 Seq 的子类,仅有它们可以使用此类模式匹配

val nonEmptySeq    = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val emptySeq       = Seq.empty[Int]	# 空 Seq
val nonEmptyList   = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)	val emptyList      = Nil	# 空列表
val nonEmptyVector = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)	val emptyVector    = Vector.empty[Int]	# 空向量
val nonEmptyMap    = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)	val emptyMap       = Map.empty[String,Int]

def seqToString[T](seq: Seq[T]): String = seq match {	  case head +: tail => s"$head +: " + seqToString(tail)	  case Nil => "Nil"

for (seq <- Seq(	   
	nonEmptySeq, emptySeq, nonEmptyList, emptyList,
	nonEmptyVector, emptyVector, nonEmptyMap.toSeq,
	emptyMap.toSeq)) {

需要注意的是,对于 Map 类型,我们需要使用 toSeq,因为它不是 Seq 的子类。 下面是输出:

1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil
Nil1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil
1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 5 +: Nil
(one,1) +: (two,2) +: (three,3) +: Nil


元组匹配 #

val langs = Seq(
  ("Scala",   "Martin", "Odersky"),
  ("Clojure", "Rich",   "Hickey"),
  ("Lisp",    "John",   "McCarthy"))

for (tuple <- langs) {
  tuple match {
    case ("Scala", _, _) => println("Found Scala")                   // 
    case (lang, first, last) =>                                      // 
      println(s"Found other language: $lang ($first, $last)")

case 中使用 Guards #

for (i <- Seq(1,2,3,4)) {
  i match {
    case _ if i%2 == 0 => println(s"even: $i")	    case _             => println(s"odd:  $i")	  }


odd:  1
even: 2
odd:  3
even: 4

case class 匹配 #

case class Address(street: String, city: String, country: String)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, address: Address)

val alice   = Person("Alice",   25, Address("1 Scala Lane", "Chicago", "USA"))
val bob     = Person("Bob",     29, Address("2 Java Ave.",  "Miami",   "USA"))
val charlie = Person("Charlie", 32, Address("3 Python Ct.", "Boston",  "USA"))

for (person <- Seq(alice, bob, charlie)) {
  person match {
    case Person("Alice", 25, Address(_, "Chicago", _) => println("Hi Alice!")
    case Person("Bob", 29, Address("2 Java Ave.", "Miami", "USA")) =>
      println("Hi Bob!")
    case Person(name, age, _) =>
      println(s"Who are you, $age year-old person named $name?")


Hi Alice!
Hi Bob!
Who are you, 32 year-old person named Charlie?

正则表达式匹配 #

val BookExtractorRE = """Book: title=([^,]+),\s+author=(.+)""".r

val item = "Book: title=Programming Scala Second Edition, author=Dean Wampler"

println(item match {
  case BookExtractorRE(title, author) =>
	 println(s"""Book "$title", written by $author""")
  case entry => println(s"Unrecognized entry: $entry")


Book "Programming Scala Second Edition", written by Dean Wampler

变量绑定 #


println(item match {
  case b @ BookExtractorRE(title, author) => {
	 println(s"""格式化后:Book "$title", written by $author""")
  case entry => println(s"Unrecognized entry: $entry")


原始:Book: title=Programming Scala Second Edition, author=Dean Wampler
格式化后:Book "Programming Scala Second Edition", written by Dean Wampler

其它常用场景 #

提取 case class

scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
defined class Person
scala> val Person(name, age) = Person("Dean", 29)
name: String = Dean
age: Int = 29 


scala> val head +: tail = List(1,2,3)
head: Int = 1
tail: List[Int] = List(2, 3)

scala> val head1 +: head2 +: tail = Vector(1,2,3)
head1: Int = 1
head2: Int = 2
tail: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = Vector(3)

scala> val Seq(a,b,c) = List(1,2,3)
a: Int = 1
b: Int = 2
c: Int = 3 


scala> val selectRE =
     | s"""SELECT\\s*(DISTINCT)?\\s+($cols)\\s*FROM\\s+($table)\\s*($tail)?;""".r
selectRE: scala.util.matching.Regex = \
  SELECT\s*(DISTINCT)?\s+(\*|[\w, ]+)\s*FROM\s+(\w+)\s*(.*)?;